Partido de futbol en las jornadas de compañerismo de Humiclima

Humiclima new office Miami 

29th june 2015

This very June, the brand new office of Humiclima in Miami has finally opened. A step ahead given by the company result of the turnover the projects carried out in the Caribbean Region represent for the company.

The big challenge now is both broad and ambitious and the long-term involves the following stages:

- Establishing a closer contact with Spanish companies based in Miami and American hoteliers also located in Miami-Dade County.

- Managing technical and economic proposals for the projects to be developed in the region.

- Developing value engineering complementing tenders.

- Setting up a purchasing department to improve and widen the range of American suppliers as well as strengthen commercial relationships with the ones we already work with.

- Building a logistic department to track the shipment of material and equipment to site.

All these correspond to the strategy to reinforce the company infrastructure in the region boosting the departments of sales, logistics, engineering and studies from Miami while sharing responsibilities with the head office in Palma de Mallorca.

Apart from this, being closer to sites shall bolster the branch offices. 


Coral Gables
255 Alhambra Circle, Suite 320
33134 Florida
Tel: +1 (305) 702 2098

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